Sunday, September 14, 2008

My humble abode

Upon arriving in Lusaka, I quickly became aware of the troubles other interns and expats faced in finding accommodation. I met another CIDA intern who had been sleeping in a hostel tent for six weeks, working 40 hours per week, yet to find a proper place to rent. I devoted my first few days to preventing this situation at all costs.

Though I got in touch with many people and pursued various avenues, I ended up at my current residence after a roundabout and hugely coincidental sequence of events:

- Met two Dutch students who thought there was a spare room in their house, but couldn't help me until landlady returned from Holland.
- Met American researcher on public minibus, who invited me to a barbecue.
- At BBQ, met Greek photographer who knew of Swedish expat who had recently left Lusaka; Greek didn't know where Swede lived, but knew taxi driver who drove Swede around.
- Called taxi driver, who agreed to take me to the house.
- At house, landlady was away; longtime maid told me there was definitely a room, and agreed to show me around.
- In kitchen, was surprised to find same two Dutch students eating dinner.
- After calling landlady in Holland and pleading our homeless cause to her, Canadian tent-dweller and I both moved in temporarily; there were two rooms available, but questions over whether landlady would want to rent the second room.
- Landlady returned and decided to rent only one room.
- Canadian and I flipped a coin (very suspenseful); I won!
- A few days later, landlady decided to rent second room after all... this is where I, ex-tent-dwelling Canadian and five others will be living for the next four-and-a-half months:

The place is idyllic. Lovely pool, beautiful vegetable garden, free range chickens, wireless Internet, 5-minute walk to work. My room is the window on the left. So for those of you worrying about my trials and tribulations in Africa, just imagine me sunbathing in the pool during lunch hour in, say, mid-October (before the rainy season comes and the above paradise abruptly ceases to exist).

1 comment:

Meg said...

Lou this looks like heaven!